Saturday, August 13, 2011

Tennessee Birding V

This is my final Tennessee birding series post - another morning walk along the driveway. I saw many of the same birds as seen previously - perhaps the same birds as other days in some cases, but also some new ones. It was sad to have the vacation come to an end, but the nice thing is that there are birds to see at home, too!

You can clearly see the long beak on this hairy woodpecker that is nearly as long as its head.

Hairy Woodpecker & Indigo Bunting (juvenile?)

This bird almost looks cartoonish with how large its eyes are.

Indigo Bunting (juvenile?)

And another one (there were many them again):

Indigo Bunting (juvenile?)

Ruby-throated Hummingbird (female)

Hard to say on this one.

Tennessee Warbler?

Still trying to learn the differences between the Carolina and Black-capped Chickadee, but one tip from All About Birds that Carolina Chickadees have less white-edging in the wings is starting to give me more confidence that this is in fact a Carolina Chickadee (and also the one from post II).

Carolina Chickadee

And the last bird I saw was another blue bird, but not an indigo bunting this time!

Blue Jay

That's it. I look forward to going back again someday!

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