Monday, August 1, 2011

Tennessee Birding I

This past week I had the pleasure of vacationing in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. During which on many mornings I was able to go on birding walks along the long driveway of our cabin. I also saw and photographed some birds on some hikes in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. This series of blog posts will document my sights.

Here are the birds I saw on my first birding walk of the trip.

I recognize these guys!

Two American Goldfinches (males)

I've spent way too long trying to figure out what this one is. I'm thinking it might be a Nashville Warbler, but I'm not sure. It doesn't seem to have a full eye ring, which is making me second guess. Unfortunately I was only able to get a few shots of it and they all show about the same view.

Nashville Warbler?
This bird was nearby, so maybe it's the same? Juvenile? I'm even more clueless on this one.

Juvenile Nashville Warbler?
I was able to get some more shots of this one (at least I think it's the same one):

Juvenile Nashville Warbler?

These birds were hopping around the trees along the driveway/forest edge. Please help if you have any ideas!

And one that I know! This robin let me get very close (less then 10 feet).

Immature American Robin
It found a worm on the gravel road:

Immature American Robin finds a worm
And proceeded to gobble it up. It looks like something might be wrong with it's left eye.

That's all for my first of many to come.

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